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Tuesday 18 December 2012

Manchester City likes the cut of cycling's jib

So, despite the damage that Lance has done to the sport, the Wiggo effect coupled with the sheer volume of participants, means that cycling has finally been let into the VIP lounge after years of queueing up in the rain and claiming to know the DJ.
This was confirmed today when Man City became the latest organisation to sidle up alongside cycling in a bar, wink, ask it if it came here often and if it wanted a drink.
With its big doe eyes and down to earth demeanour, cycling had no defence against the flashy vigourous charms of Premiership football with its sharp Italian suit and its illegally parked uber car with tinted windows.
For today, well yesterday, football got its mits all over cycling's pristine chamois leather and sucked it into a whirlwind romance laced with celebrity and charity.
The near neighbours of the National Cycling Centre in East Manchester are The City (sitteh) who perform their soccers at the Eastlands Ethiad Enormodome.  It was all built in the early 90s when The Manchester hosted the Commonwealth Games.
City and one of its gerberas
For years they've ignored each other but now, finally, they've been struck by cupid's arrow. Rumour has it that Man City even popped in to The Asdors (Asda) during its dinner and left a bunch of gerberas on cycling's door mat before ringing the bell and running away.
For next March, the two lovers, still gazing wistfully into each others eyes, will entwine themselves in a selfless and very public act of love with the Velocity event. That's Velo (bike) and city (sitteh) combined into the word velocity (measurement of speed) incase you didn't get it.
Cycling was magnetically attracted to soccer
Quite what will happen at the event, I'm not sure.  Some people will definitely ride bikes - for 24 hours it seems.  And there will be some sitteh players there too - obviously they don't fancy the FA Cup anywhere near as much as they fancy the shapely form of British Cycling.
Registration costs £250 per rider and opens tomorrow - Wednesday 19th December.
I'm off to buy a hat.

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