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Thursday 18 April 2013

Disc brakes? On a road bike?

There is something about disc brakes on a road bike that just doesn't seem right isn't there. The people in the know reckon road discs are going to be the norm on our beloved machines in the not too distant. There are already a number on the market.
I think the argument goes that they have greater stopping power and don't damage rims. But, in the words of the great Mario Cippolini: If you brake you do not win.

1 comment:

  1. Sidestep the item with a drum brake: never ices up, never glides over rain-water instead of gripping, never spoiled by oil, almost impossible to vandalize, 'cos tucked away inside yr wheel. So is aerodynamic, so is extra-cool. They always work smoothly, swiftly, and progressively: a joy. Almost zero upkeep: a double joy. Cheap: a triple joy. Totally reliable: yet more joy. About the same weight as a disc, which has a reservoir, calipers, and the disc. Not as light as a rim brake, but there u go/stop.
