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Tuesday 16 April 2013

More people cycle in the UK now, right? @roadcc know, I think.

Are we cycling more or less? This question lies at the heart of many of the current debates affecting cycling. The discourse goes that more people are riding so we need better infrastructure and then even more people will be encouraged to ride which will lead to a healthier society, less congestion and wall to wall happiness and glee.
It's undoubtedly true that if you go to the smoke, more people are riding there than have been in recent years. While not exactly looking like Amsterdam, Euston Road has a good number of riders on it whenever I hop off the train. The bike racks too are testament to the increase in popularity.
All this is simply a bit of context behind an excellent piece over on Road CC relating to Sustrans' interpretation of the self same figures which led British Cycling to wet themselves over last year.
Sustrans' interpretation is rather more downcast as it describes the figures from the ONS as 'bitterly disappointing'. The problem for Sustrans is that they say the figures show no increase in the numbers of cyclists in the year to October 2012 whereas British Cycling reckon the same figures show that every journey in the UK is now completed by bike. Yes, every single journey. Including the one which takes a first class parcel containing a marble bird bath and plinth from its distributor in Watford to the home of Elsie Thristwistle in Baxenden.*
Who's right? Well, Road CC have  good go at explaining the stats but ultimately, nobody really knows.
*not really

In my humble view, I think there are a few more wheels on the road but not that many. and fewer when it rains. Devastating insight there I know, but accurate I reckon.

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