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Monday 12 November 2012

@cyclehatred. For women?

Cycling safety has been on the news and political agenda for most of the year mainly thanks to The Times' cities fit for cycling campaign.  While there is still something a little bit odd about The Times taking on this campaign with such gusto - it's like a badly fitting jumper - it is undoubtedly welcome and long may they continue with it.
I have to confess, I don't see The Times every day so I don't know if the campaign appears in print everyday or not.  Things always feel more real wen they're printed on paper don't they?
In the aftermath of Wiggo and Shane Sutton getting knocked off, the focus on cycling safety has intensified. 
The whole churn of media coverage which ensued has highlighted the intensity of feeling from all sides when it comes to cycling with the righteous two-wheelers pleading for better investment on one side and a foul group of unthinking spite-mongers vomiting their embittered rants via social media on the other.
For everybody's entertainment, the @cyclehatred twitter feed captures all this hate and redistributes it to the world.

Reading through the bile, it is clear that some are spoofs, some are from frustrated rational people who 'don't really think  that' but others, you can just tell the ones, really mean some of it.
What is really surprising about it to me, is the amount of women who tweet such horrendous stuff about other people just because of their chosen method of transport.
It's not that I don't believe women are capable of hate - they are often the worst - but it is just so much more unpleasant and unexpected to hear some lass with a cutesy twitter name demanding the death of cyclists like its the most normal thing ever.
No doubt some of these people will have 'runs on fairy dust' stickers in the back windows of their cars which, while I despise, I don't believe they should be killed for possessing.

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